I've been fighting with endometriosis and an autoimmune disease since I was 20. The struggle continues. I'm lucky to be part of a community of bloggers. We do our best to support each other and share information about treatments, advances and set-backs.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
I sit, staring at mindless entertainment, distracting myself with puzzles, video games, and crafts. Simple creative tasks at least let me feel as if I've accomplished something. I can see the progress as some beauty unfolds before me, but I am constantly reminded that I'm wasting time. My agenda is full, but my plate is empty, and I'm starving for the life that waits for me on the sidelines.
I'm involved in an amazing research project for my PhD. Things are moving forward quickly, but I'm stuck in the muck. I've been sick for over a year now, and completely incapacitated for two months. I thank God that my mentor has been accommodating and understanding, because I'm not sure that I deserve it. It's not a question of worthiness, aptitude or potential. It's a question of competence. My number one asset, my brain, has shut down completely. At best, I have a few hours of clarity, a short time without the incessant rumbling pain in my intestines. But without sleep, I cannot make use of them, and many of those hours are spent going to doctor's appointments. I feel like I'm split in two. My body needs to stay home and rest, but my mind needs to go back to work.
I sincerely pray they find something in the colonoscopy/endoscopy. Anything that will lead to treatment. Anything that will lead to relief.
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Waiting for August 11th
Warning: the following paragraphs are relatively graphic in their description of my current condition.
My "good" days are long gone. My abdominal pain is increasing, and is often unbearable, even with the pain meds. It's no longer just my intestines. I have pain in the upper right quadrant, which is most likely my pancreas. The pain covers my entire left side and wraps around to my back. If I lay perfectly still, it'll reduce over an hour or so.
I was eating small meals when I first got home from my surgery. Now, I'm reduced to eating dry snacks, and most of my intake is liquids. I have vitamin deficiencies, despite taking vitamins orally, and am at risk for complications due to nutritional status. Eating is so painful that I now consume only liquids until I feel ravenously hungry, and then allow myself to eat dry cereal or rice noodles. But I feel better when I eat nothing at all. Despite taking in fluids, I have had to go to the ER twice for severe dehydration.
The pain is worst at night. Our bodies do most of their digesting at night. The hormones released by falling asleep at night activate digestive processes. These hormones are released whether you fall asleep or are kept awake by ridiculous abdominal pain. This is made worse by going to the bathroom. I am still forced to use suppositories once per day in order to excrete waste. The pain is so severe that all I can do is lay in the fetal position for an hour or more. I am supposed to give a stool sample at the hospital, and I don't have the strength to do it. I will have to do it next week on one of my better days.
The craziest part of all of this is that the GI doctor considers my condition relatively mild. This is due mostly to stable blood work - hemoglobin, clotting factors, etc. - and a lack of fevers or vomiting. But my condition is deteriorating. Sometimes I wish I would just crash so that I could be hospitalized and get these diagnostic tests done faster. Obviously, that is the worst possible option, so, for now, I'm just playing the waiting game. One day at a time.
Monday, July 14, 2014
And today we can officially add pancreatitis to the list. My upper right quadrant hurts. Another score for Crohn's Disease.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Crohn's Disease Plus Endo??
Let's start with why I think it's Crohn's Disease.
1) it's been going on since I was 16. It's an on and off problem, but this is the second abdominal surgery I've had in two years to fix intestinal problems.
2) I have all of these symptoms: What is Crohn's Disease?
- Persistent Diarrhea
- Rectal bleeding
- Urgent need to move bowels
- Abdominal cramps and pain
- Sensation of incomplete evacuation
- Constipation (can lead to bowel obstruction)
- Fever
- Loss of appetite
- Weight Loss
- Fatigue
- Night sweats
- Loss of normal menstrual cycle
Chronic illness
By Alison Smith, 2014
How many days spent counting days?
Feverish and sleepless nights
Wracked with pain; suffering alone,
Waiting for you to return.
Bodies come back broken,
Minds a waste from the desert heat.
Stress seeps into the bones;
Strangers coming home,
Reintegrated into this alien wasteland.
It's stolen a piece at a time:
Health, an empty promise.
Incisions and Vicodin mask the pain,
For a while.
I only exist in two places:
In the hole behind closed doors
And the waiting room.
Waiting for the clock to stop
Beating its hands bloody
Against the sands of time.